A faint concept of truth. Truth interpreted through ones mind in a fashion so vivid, it becomes seething, icy pain.
Honesty is a curse. It pains us to hold it all in. Completely subservient to the needs of the conscience. Honesty, nay! TRUTH! That's what I meant!
The truth is what pains us. TRUTH is the curse. It lies beneath our skin, seeking release. Yet we hold it in, despite the pain. Because we believe that greater pain will come if TRUTH is released from its living cage.
The conduit of TRUTH, is HONESTY.
Honesty invites greater pain. But does that matter if the soul is cleansed of pain?
Then, and only then, we ask... Why should we fear pain?
Good people. Another arbitrary orbit around the yellow star that we know as the Life-Giver will soon pass. It is a wonder our entire lives are planned by it.
Even the thundering wildebeests heed the waning light for the countless orbits around the Life-Giver.
Without knowing. Without questioning.
And so we mark the end of the year as the end of another chapter of our short lives.
This is a time of reflection. Though time for reflection may be found throughout the year. This is a special moment of reflection.
For some, it marks the beginning of a new chapter. For others, it means another year to waste. For the courageous, new battles await.
For the honourable, it means more time to resume the Noble Purpose.
A force that drives us from within. Unnameable. Unfathomable. Unexplainable (but many enigmatic souls have tried).
Burst into torrid cynicism if you want about this post. I know I am not a smart man.
I don't want to be smart.
I am only smart enough, to aspire to be wise.
And here is proof I am an idiot.

He still ate with us.
cool..:) teach me how did u do that? photo shop?
Gimp, the open source alternative to Photoshop.
lies? the use of untruths, no matter the purpose, however noble or innocent. at least that's how i defined it to those that posed me this question
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