Sunday, January 20, 2008


New words: Barrette, Enfilade, Oast.

The title is in Latin, and it means boundary or end.
  • Reality sets in.
It is very common for me to ponder world events, and to fire off comments that are hopefully smart enough to warrant reading. It's easy for me, to just read the various news stories and call each and every one of them an idiot, a moron, a lunatic, an omadhaun, or any other word that is synonymous with useless infidel!

It isn't very healthy, and runs in direct contrast to my personal aspirations to rid myself of negative emotions. As much as I like writing about other people's follies, it has to stop.

This blog has to stop.

I remembered taking a vow to myself not one year ago (I am an atheist, so the only thing I can swear upon is my own honour and conscience), to judge no one but myself.

As the days and months pass, this has become rather hard a demand, as I always have an opinion, mostly one that reduces my target to a ludicrous three-dimensional piece of molecular interaction that happens to speak.

This is not only unhealthy, it is unhelpful.

Enough is enough, and if I must stick to my vow, to judge no one but myself.

There is only one inevitable solution. To stop playing the hypocrite, and start behaving like a grown man. The time for words in an inconsequential blog is over.

I want to change the world, but I can't write change into existence. I must study it, discuss it, work it into existence.

By the end of the day, maybe I will stop hating myself.


flyzzx said...

We are what we perceive. As long as you still consciously cling to this world, you inevitably judge and be judged.

We can't help but be confined by our own experiences and perceptions, both sensory and cognitive. The past (as perceived by the mind) is where you derive your assumptions and postulates.

Our nature to judge is neutral by itself, but the intent it carries is often subjected to more judgments. The cycle continues.

I shall grieve over the loss of an insightful, informative and no less satirical blog. But should you stringently embrace your vow, journalism would be a bumpy ride ahead.

"Judge me all you want, but keep the verdict to yourself." -- (undocumented source)

stupeed demon said...

you are calling it quits?

Rewarp said...

I am quitting THIS BLOG. I am starting another. Not going to reveal its name (I am sure you are going to try to locate its URL), but basically the content is going serve my purposes only.