Sunday, December 10, 2006

Fashionable Joys

Poulaines, Egress, Ingress.

This week on A Stray World:

  • Storming Doha, Koo Kien Keat - Tan Boon Heong;
  • KBMC No Longer Tolerates Indecent Dressing, Fines for Out of Season Attires;
  • Kota Baru, Kuantan Most Porn Surfers, State Governments Declare Success.
Good day, and welcome to your weekly edition of A Stray World. We begin our coverage with the mostly underachieving badminton squad in Doha.

From the day I was born, badminton has always occupied a special place in my heart, even after my friendly neighbours actively isolated me from their social activities which included the sport.

For the first few years, I grew up with the mistaken impression that my generation's badminton players were world beaters. However, 18 long years of defeat after defeat (with occasional, rare victories) has left me understandably, less than hopeful of a success in Doha.

Every time I read "Malaysia hopes to avoid China" in the sports section of The Star, I can't help voicing my thoughts out loud: "If we are world beaters, why must we actively seek avoiding the strong teams?"

Fortunately, the wait for genuine success finally ended for me early this morning.

The young pair of Koo Kien Keat - Tan Boon Heong clinched gold in the doubles event; after destroying the world champions from China, and two formidable and respected Indonesian pairs.

Genuine success! I haven't felt this happy since the Republicans lost the mid-term elections.

Though it was almost two hours after midnight, I was punching and kicking the air with every point earned, earned!

Congratulations to the lads! I hope this won't be a one time only performance. Remember Hafiz and the All-England Tournament?

Back to stately affairs, we focus our lenses on Kelantan, the most Taliban-like state in Malaysia.

Due to intolerable fashion sense, the Kota Baru Municipal Council (KBMC) has taken the unenviable task of fining repeat offenders.

"These women are courting disaster," said a low ranking official from the KBMC. "When I was Afghanistan, the women dressed in-season all year round. Their all black and all blue burqas were stunning to say the least. The heavy black cloth covered every square centimetre of their body, hiding their feet, eyes and hair."

When pointed out these raiment were standard attire ever since the Taliban regime came to power, he had this to say: "Don't you know, black burqas have been the in-thing for the past 10 years. We are only trying to catch up."

He continued: "The things women wear these days are completely disrespectful to Islam. The clothes they wear now are clearly too comfortable. We men of Kelantan have to avert our eyes whenever one of these prostitutes strays in front of us. While the t-shirt, skirt, jeans, headscarf and Mickey Mouse socks cover the skin, we can identify them from the bulges in the fabric that they are female. We want to ensure these women resemble walking bedsheets as much as possible to prevent them from becoming objects of beauty and desire.

Ultimately, we want them to follow our commands so they won't be attacked or raped by law-abiding men. The fact that we are even talking about this subject shows how much we care about the dignity and respect of women.

Ask yourself, don't you think the men of Al-Qaeda are a lucky bunch when they don't have hear that utterly hateful question: Honey, do I look fat in this dress?"

On a separate note, Google Trends just released a report on porn related search in Malaysia.

Evidently, Kota Baru and Kuantan top the list for most porn related search.

State officials have taken this opportunity to congratulate themselves on not just bridging the technological gap between the traditionally backward East Coast states and West Coast states, but trumping the West for the very first time.

"We are so proud of ourselves, we couldn't have achieved this without everybody's contribution," said a state religious official. "For may years, I have always whipped my sons whenever I see them looking at naked women, now I regret those awful moments... Knowing now I should have been more supportive of his behaviour.

"I know. I will begin browsing those sites too from today onwards," said another state official. "The report even says Kelantanese use English terms such as 'sex' and 'porn' while the other states only use Malay terms. Some states even displays specific searches targeting Malay women. This shows the people of Kota Baru, the first Islamic City in Malaysia, are more open-minded than the people in other states. This also vindicates our state governments active gender discrimination policy, which seeks to wipe out women or anything resembling the female anatomy from the streets of Kelantan."

There are, however, a few disgruntled voices from the Kelantanese.

"I don't go for porn," a bold teenager stated. "My dad and his pals have been doing it for years. Ever since the state government issued edicts preventing my mother from undressing, my father and other husbands have been forced to 'seek the female form' elsewhere."

"They tried Thai prostitutes," he continued, "but the state government arrested him. Now he knows better, he surfs for porn using my Internet account."

Dead of the Week: 14
Total Dead (Since 12th Jan 2006): 976


stupeed demon said...

what class did they banish you to?

Rewarp said...


Anonymous said...

Let me tell u something.

this is what Google Trends has to say :

" Google Trends aims to provide insights into broad search patterns. As a Google Labs product, it is still in the early stages of development. Also, it is based upon just a portion of our searches, and several approximations are used when computing your results. Please keep this in mind when using it. "

do you really think that when Malaysian as a whole start to look up for porn on the net, do all of them would just key in they keyword “bogel” , “gambar bogel”, “seks Melayu” and “cerita seks” ?

If you are an ocassional porn surfer yourself, those keywords alone are too lame. They are a zillion more keywords that would give wonderful results ! Plus, I wonder what the Chinese and Indians would key in if they are "curious" enuff on those stuffs ? Surely not in Malay of course !

Mind you, Google Trends search is based on keyword search i.e to know which ppl of the world like to use the particular keyword.
If you put Malay keywords, of course it would point to the place where the Malay is the majority and where internet know-how are much proliferated.
Kelantan being 95 % Malay, with high internet literacy is the best bet for such high frequency. While Malays in West Coast prefer to use English terms in daily lives, Malays in Kelantan use much fewer or none English terms thus the result ! Voila !

Who is the journalist anyway ?
Is he (she?) has any idea what Google Trends is really about ?

An another obvious act of cheap Mala Fide by The Star against Kelantan ( after the over-exagerrated dress code thing ) and I cant believe there are ppl out there who actually bought such shit ...

Anonymous said...

Okay, both anonymous & rewarp himself are racists. There is nothing wrong Malays surfing porn.

Of course not for Rewarp because all he does is watch Disney porn. Nerd.

stupeed demon said...

yup, he's a racist, and the other races are what? oh I forgot, disney watching, justice upholding citizens of the world.

Anonymous said...

Google logs all keywords that have been used by its users and records the frequency of use by geographical locations based on the analysis of the user's IP Address. Google Trends allows a user to lookup keywords to compare between the interests of people from different regions of the world. That's what Google Trends is about.

I was curious about the accuracy of information provided by the Star. So I decided investigate it myself:


Rewarp said...

Wow (Oh right, I forgot, using this word qualifies me as stupid)!

Thanks for the input, this has been the most diversified bunch of posters I have ever had.

anonymous, Thanks for the criticism, without you, my blog just won't be as entertaining, knowing I have someone out there actively gunning for me.

n0zc, thank you for comprehending the meaning of the word "satire". That link was very illuminating.

bitchyonce, I am not a nerd, technically, I am a geek, because I'm not very smart, as proven by my mediocre school results. But I have an avid interest in technology and animé, which could mean I am an otaku.

Then again, I am also a member of the WWF's Conservation Action Network, which would make me a treehugger.

I also played the tuba for five years, which would make me a musician.

Also, I prefer green tea to ice-cream, which for my age, just makes me weird.

Plus, being a racist would mean me actively avoiding a particular race and developing intense relations with people with the same skin tone as mine.

Unfortunately for your postulation, my best friend in National Service was Malay and I actively avoided the racial gangs. In fact, I attended the Muslim Friday prayers in the camp surau, the Hindu temple prayers, the Siamese wat visits, and of course, the Buddhist temple sessions.

I have also taken a vow of celibacy till death, projecting myself as nothing more than a racially bankrupt misanthrope.

Keep up the volleys, they are good for my heart.

Rewarp said...

"...Also, it is based upon just a portion of our searches, and several approximations are used when computing your results..."

And that is why I could write my story.

Wouldn't you admit, anonymous, that writing parodies of real world stories with just a hint of truth makes for compelling reading.

By the way, the BBC Brain Sex test classifies me as 50/50, so I suppose that makes me a hermaphrodite.

Ken said...

whoa....a new look!! cool..heh..
i gotta admit..i laughed till I......hahahahaha

Disney porn!!!! this is just..hahahaha( still cant stop )... disney porn!! dude....ya got some crazy sense of humour..