Saturday, November 19, 2005

Finally! Me and my buddies, acquaintances, enemies and other fifth formers have reached the halfway line of our very important high school exam.

The verdict:
  • Chinese - Easily one of my worst subjects. How did I come to that conclusion? I only passed once in the last two years. SPM Chinese was slightly easier, but I'd be contented with a pass. C
  • Malay - Easy and hard at the same time. Easy, because I could answer almost all the questions immediately. Hard, because I had to write a lot of stuff. In fact, this is the first time I didn't have extra time to check my answers for Malay exams. A few of my friends didn't even manage to finish some of the questions. B
  • Sejarah - Disastrous second paper (essays). Other than that, pretty much average (meaning passable). C
  • English - My favourite. Ludicrously easy papers (at least for me). Whipped through both papers with a combined leftover time of two-and-a-half hours, leaving me enough time to think of stuff I wouldn't dare write for my essays! A
  • Modern Mathematics - Easy, with a few (very few) hard questions. A
  • Physics - My weakest of the three science subjects forced upon me. I was expecting the worst when I took my seat for the first of three papers, having failed every time I took the test this year, and almost laughed out loud. The paper was insanely easy. How easy? I could have answered (almost) every question correctly without any revision. It was so easy, it's actually harder trying to fail! B
Note: Words in colour are my expected grades.

That's all for this week and last week. More updates next week.

For now, I can only look forward to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when I finish my exams.

Live Long & Prosper,
May The Force Be With You,
Be At Peace With Death.

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