Friday, December 02, 2005

The Anticlimax.

That's one of my suggested names for the supposedly hardest examination a secondary student in Malaysia will face. It would be hard, if you didn't study anything for the past 5 years of secondary education.

Now, for my forecasts:

Chemistry - Average, meaning it was as hard as a coconut under the Malaysian sun. But then, Chemistry was and might always will be the hardest subject for me to crack. Get this: I can't give it up next year! This is because some idiots working in the upper echelons of the Malaysian government thinks all Malaysians should take some biomedicine thingy training, which they claim will create a richer human capital. These are of cause, the same parochial pigs who invented the streaming system. Whatever happened to learning for learning's sake, and to follow your own passions? C

Biology - Easy on the eyes, more so in the mind. My favourite subject of all the science subject forced upon me by the school. As I predicted, Biology was a breeze for me, with a few hiccough of course, but nothing major. A

English in Science & Technology (EST) - Indifferent

Note: Words in colour are my expected grades.

And that ends my week. I had to do my blogging two days earlier due to band practices and an outing with fellow Fifth Formers on Saturday and a charity performance with my school band on Sunday. I play the Tuba. Go figure.

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