Sunday, August 26, 2007

Merdeka 50

New Words: Thaumaturge, Timorous, Toroidal, Aril.

The big five-oh. For some women, a valid excuse to increase ones age by three to five years. After all, a middle age crisis is something most people would rather avoid.

In this case, it's to act as if we have been there and done that. Thus, rendering the event insignificant.

Now, to business.

You folks know how this blog works. I pen my thoughts through news items twisted into a slightly funnier form. Unfortunately, like every episode of Extras, this means we are actually amused by the most horrible of crimes. From the rape of the rainforests, to the cutting down of women's and children's rights, it is a wonder people would approve of my method of public discourse.

By approve you did. And I do wonder if that's a good thing.

This week, we will celebrate 50 years of nationhood.

For a very long time, I have been doing nothing else on this blog but write about the bad things that go on around us, and frankly, it is getting rather depressing. So this time, for this year's Merdeka entry, I will highlight the good things in our country.

Although some of them may not actually be a good thing, like Mahathir returning to politics, they have turned out otherwise.

Yasmin Ahmad
Quite possibly the best thing to happen to Malaysian media after P. Ramlee.

It was quite subtle. First we got those wonderful Petronas commercials, which weren't really commercials. Watching them at the right time would send chills down my spine, and even bring me to the point of tears.

Even after half a dozen years, they are still being aired on television. Five minute commercials that do more for uniting us than a five hour press conference by Barisan National politicians.

I have enjoyed two of her films to date, Sepet and Gubra.

For all I know, I could be the only guy in school to watch both movies. Which is a real pity.

Freedom of Speech
Think about it. We do actually have a greater advantage than the Americans when it comes to free speech.

Due to several sweeping laws, the US government now has the almost God-like powers to check e-mail, tap phone lines and other methods of communications throughout the country without needing to get the tiresome but necessary court order.

And let us not forget, the US government brandishes the word "Unpatriotic" like garlic before a horde of vampires if anyone should protest.

Here in Malaysia, we can count of our inept and lazy enforcers to sip kopi-o and talk about moving their fat arses off the mamak stall into the streets to haul in some poor soul who wrote Allah and bomb in the same sentence.

Unless you do something seriously brainless, like say, singing a rap song to the mashup of Negaraku with your face on display without bothering to apply makeup - you are safe to express whatever you want.without fear of public lynching.

Because, the guys you are so willing to punch out, aren't exactly too thrilled about their positions either.

Fashion Free
Unlike some place like Paris for instance. We don't need to bother about our dressing. Anything goes in Malaysia, in fact, my mum wears her hand-sewn clothes to work.

Granted, not captivating enough.

How about walking into a posh restaurant in generic t-shits and shorts (and slippers) to order beef steak.
Sure, some places don't allow certain kind of clothing. Particularly if you are female and have two large brains. But overall, you can get away with clothing skimpier than a Gwen Stefani costume at a Malaysian concert.

Enough said.

Happy 50.
Now playing: Giovanni Mirabassi - Le Chante Pour Passer Le Temps
via FoxyTunes

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